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Tags: Slash


The Living Room of My Soul by Beth

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: A little glimpse into Jen's and Jack's future.

7.17 – Imagine by BeatrizRC, Renae, Kayden, Ashley

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Dawson tries to encourage Joey to give painting another try as she makes him rethink his own aspirations. While in the Ice House, Pacey receives a call form Andie with some exciting news. Also in Capeside, Grams makes a decision regarding her granddaughter that gives hope to Jack. Back to New York City, Audrey faces her present as Sam and Ethan confront their pasts.

7.21 - Der große Tag by Nadia, Anna Lena, Mona

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Im Finale der 7. Staffel wird es besonders romantisch. Aus den Teenagern von einst sind erwachsene Leute geworden. Endlich ist der große Tag gekommen, an dem sich nicht nur Joey und Pacey das ersehnte Jawort geben, sondern auch Jack und Doug, um endlich eine richtige Familie zu werden.

Reaching Out: A Christmas Story by Sam Cdn

Rated: M (R-16) • 0 Reviews
Summary: It's Christmas 2008 and Jack is reminiscing with an old friend about a Christmas six years ago ...

7.16 - Have a little faith in me by BeatrizRC, Christy, Karen, Janet

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: In the Big Apple, Joey is planning something special for Dawson helped by Sam and Ethan, and she can’t help but feel frustrated when her boyfriend is stuck on the other side of the country. Pacey, who is back in Capeside, realizes that coming home is not exactly what he expected. Meanwhile, Jack is just working and continuing with his normal life, that includes as much of Amy as possible.

7.15 - Selective memory by BeatrizRC, Jessica, Kayden, Peter, Ashley

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Jack decides to go to New York to search for legal advice about Amy, but he will have to face some disturbing news. Dawson and Joey’s relationship keeps going stronger despite the return of someone from the past, while Ethan and Samantha meet their first bump when Samantha finds out about Ethan’s past. Back in New Orleans, Pacey decides is time to look for new chances in another place.

7.14 - Little things by Renae, BeatrizRC, Elyse, Rebeca

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: During the weekend, Dawson and his girlfriend, Joey pay a visit to Jack and Grams in Capeside to offer their help. Pacey has also returned to the small town to find some peace of mind and to make a decision. And for that, he will seek Andie for advice. To top it off, Jack not only has to deal with losing his daughter, but also with the decision he made regarding his love life.

7.20 - Junggesellenabschied by Anna Lena, Rene, Mona

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Der große Tag rückt näher und schließlich steht der Junggesellenabschied an. Allerdings läuft nicht alles nach Plan und Joey kommt einem bislang gut gehüteten Familiengeheimnis des Witter-Clans auf die Spur.

7.19 - Dicke Luft! by Anna Lena

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Ashley geht in ihrer Rolle als Geschäftsführerin vollkommen auf und übertrifft sogar noch Paceys Erwartungen.
Joey und Doug kämpfen derweil dafür, die Hochzeitsvorbereitungen voranzutreiben, während sich gewisse Hindernisse einschleichen, die es zu umschiffen gilt.
Und Pacey fragt Dawson, ob der sein Trauzeuge werden möchte.

7.18 - Verlobung² by Anna Lena, red eyes, Mona

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Justin leidet zunehmend unter dem Erfolg seiner Frau, was dieser nicht verborgen bleibt.
Derweil laden Joey und Pacey ihre engsten Freunde und die Familie ein, um ihre Verlobung bekannt zu geben. Sie ahnen ja nicht, dass Jack und Doug die selbe Neuigkeit zu verkünden haben.