I forgot my password! What do I do now?
To recover a lost password,
click here and enter the e-mail address with which you registered. Your password will be sent to you shortly.
What kinds of stories are allowed?
See our
Submission Rules.
How do I contact the site administrators?
You can e-mail us via our
contact form.
How do I submit stories?
If you have not already done so, please
register for an account. Once you've logged in, click on
UCP (User Control Panel) and choose
Add Story. The form presented there will allow you to submit your story.
What are the story classifications?
Stories are classified by categories, tags, and warnings.
The Character I'm writing about isn't listed. How do I add them?
Contact the webmistress via the
contact form and let them know the name, and we'll add it on usually within 48 hours. Book and TV characters only, please. If it's an original character that you have created, please use one of the "Original Character" options.
I tried to add more than one character/tag, but it doesn't work. What's wrong?
Just press
Ctrl while you select your characters/tags.
What are the ratings used on the site?
We use the ratings system from
K (G) = Content suitable for most ages.
K+ (PG) = Some content may not be suitable for young children.
T (PG-13) = Contains content not suitable for children.
M (R-16) = Contains content for mature teens and older.
MA (NC-17) = Contains explicit content for mature adults only.