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7.14 - Little things by Renae, BeatrizRC, Elyse, Rebeca

Summary: During the weekend, Dawson and his girlfriend, Joey pay a visit to Jack and Grams in Capeside to offer their help. Pacey has also returned to the small town to find some peace of mind and to make a decision. And for that, he will seek Andie for advice. To top it off, Jack not only has to deal with losing his daughter, but also with the decision he made regarding his love life.
Rating: T (PG-13) [Reviews - 0]
Category: Slash > Jack/Doug, Romance > Dawson/Joey
Characters: Clique
Language: English
Tags: Family, Friendship, Romance, Slash, Virtual Episode
Challenge: None
Series: Dawson's Creek - Virtual Season 7
Published: 20-08-17 | Updated: 20-08-17 | Completed: Yes | Chapters: 4 | Words: 19602 | Hits: 94974

1. Chapter 1 by Renae [Reviews - 0] (6558 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Renae [Reviews - 0] (3581 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Renae [Reviews - 0] (4817 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Renae [Reviews - 0] (4646 words)