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Other Results: 2 Challenges, 1 Series


The Time Of Our Life by Jewel

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Meine Auffassung, wie es nach der 4. Staffel hätte weiter gehen müssen.

7.08 - Blick in die Vergangenheit by Anna Lena, Jewel

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Doug ist sich seinen Gefühlen für Jack ziemlich sicher, doch was ist der nächste Schritt? Derweil besucht Andie die Clique mal wieder um sich abzulenken, riskiert dabei einen Blick in die Vergangenheit und hilft einer Person damit. Joey und Pacey haben sich derweil noch immer nicht geeinigt.

7.03 - Ready For A Fall by BeatrizRC, Eden, Christy, Kimberley, Renae

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Joey attends a social gathering with co-workers and Pacey is still fighting with problems at The Icehouse. Meanwhile, Dawson has the opportunity to help Samantha further her career as he prepares himself to moveto New York. Jack decides to take action and visits a lawyer about his parental rights and an unexpected guest shows up at his door.

7.02 - What Lies Beneath by Eden, Deb, Shelly

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: In the second half of the season premiere, Dawson and Joey part in Los Angeles, resuming their lives on separate coasts; Joey comes home to some unexpected and disturbing news while Dawson spends a night out with co-workers. Pacey seeks advice from his family on his career opportunity; Doug and Jack contemplate the idea of co-habitating.

Butterflies by Adrienne

Rated: T (PG-13) • 1 Reviews
Summary: The gang does some volunteer work.

Gone for good by Nadia

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Eigentlich sollte für die Clique nun eine fröhliche Zeit beginnen, denn endlich gehen sie auf‘s College, doch es kommt völlig anders als erwartet.

We'll miss you by Anna Lena

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Wie hätte die Beerdigung von Jen ausgesehen?

7.01 - The Way Things Are by BeatrizRC, Deb, Jessica

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: The threads of their lives draw apart and weave together in new and familiar patterns in this season of Dawson's Creek. In the first half of the season premiere, Joey visits Dawson and observes his ascent in Hollywood firsthand and Dawson's filmmaking dreams become a reality; while Pacey reaches a crossroads in his career and personal life. In Capeside, Jack and Doug struggle with parenthood and the beautiful legacy that Jen has left behind.