Language: English
Rated: K+ (PG) •
0 Reviews
Summary: Andie is glad to be able to help Pacey in his new adventure. Meanwhile, Joey makes some space for Audrey when she finds out what has been going on in her life lately. Dawson thinks he has found his own way to help Jack who is beyond shocked when a certain person returns to the picture, and more than anything, when he thinks he is related to Amy. Also starring Mark Martrevich and Gareth Williams.
Categories: General & Friendship,
Romance >
Characters: Clique,
Original Character(s)
Language: EnglishTags: Virtual Episode
Series: Dawson's Creek - Virtual Season 7
Published: 05-03-19 |
Updated: 05-03-19 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 2 |
Words: 16274 |
Hits: 27107
Rated: K+ (PG) •
0 Reviews
Summary: Dawson tries to encourage Joey to give painting another try as she makes him rethink his own aspirations. While in the Ice House, Pacey receives a call form Andie with some exciting news. Also in Capeside, Grams makes a decision regarding her granddaughter that gives hope to Jack. Back to New York City, Audrey faces her present as Sam and Ethan confront their pasts.
Categories: Romance >
Characters: Clique,
Original Character(s)
Language: EnglishTags: Family,
Series: Dawson's Creek - Virtual Season 7
Published: 05-03-19 |
Updated: 05-03-19 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 2 |
Words: 17090 |
Hits: 25736
Rated: M (R-16) •
0 Reviews
Summary: It's Christmas 2008 and Jack is reminiscing with an old friend about a Christmas six years ago ...
Categories: Slash >
Characters: Doug Witter,
Jack McPhee
Language: EnglishTags: Slash,
Series: None
Published: 10-12-18 |
Updated: 10-12-18 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 3 |
Words: 4537 |
Hits: 80017
Rated: M (R-16) •
0 Reviews
Summary: Pacey struggles to understand why his relationship is failing and searches his soul for a solution.
Categories: Romance >
Characters: Pacey Witter
Language: EnglishTags: Point of View,
Series: None
Published: 19-10-17 |
Updated: 19-10-17 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 3 |
Words: 4949 |
Hits: 89660
Rated: T (PG-13) •
0 Reviews
Summary: In the Big Apple, Joey is planning something special for Dawson helped by Sam and Ethan, and she can’t help but feel frustrated when her boyfriend is stuck on the other side of the country. Pacey, who is back in Capeside, realizes that coming home is not exactly what he expected. Meanwhile, Jack is just working and continuing with his normal life, that includes as much of Amy as possible.
Rated: MA (NC-17) •
3 Reviews
Summary: Due to Gretchen's fear of intimacy, her mind tells her not to get close to Dawson. Her heart wants something completely different, because she wants to be with him aside from her fear of being hurt. Dawson is different from every other man she's known. That's what scares her.
Categories: Romance >
Other Couples
Characters: Dawson Leery,
Gretchen Witter
Language: EnglishTags: Romance
Series: None
Published: 19-10-17 |
Updated: 19-10-17 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 6 |
Words: 31453 |
Hits: 1107