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Common Ground by Beth

Summary: A 'Homecoming' Missing Scene
Rating: K+ (PG) [Reviews - 0]
Category: General & Friendship > Clique
Characters: Dawson Leery, Jack McPhee
Language: English
Tags: Friendship, Missing Scene, Oneshot
Challenge: None
Series: None
Published: 17-11-20 | Updated: 17-11-20 | Completed: Yes | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2025 | Hits: 5581

Story Notes: Thanks to the DCW, which is an invaluable bit of sunshine delivered right to my e-mailbox. :) Also, to Daizy as well as A.J., Kathy and Adam, and everyone else who has encouraged me along the way. This missing scene is actually not Jack and Jen, although I'm putting up on the site anyway. This one -- shock of shocks -- is Jack and Dawson.

1. Chapter 1 by Beth [Reviews - 0] (2025 words)