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Tags: X-Mas


Weihnachten und andere Katastrophen by Anna Lena

Rated: T (PG-13) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Es weihnachtet sehr in Capeside.

A Christmas Story by Anna Lena

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Joey kommt zu Weihnachten vom College wieder; doch weder Bessie noch Bodie sind da. Nur jemand anderes, aus ihrer Vergangenheit.

Reaching Out: A Christmas Story by Sam Cdn

Rated: M (R-16) • 0 Reviews
Summary: It's Christmas 2008 and Jack is reminiscing with an old friend about a Christmas six years ago ...

Full of Grace by Beth

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: A Jen & Jack holiday story!

Where Angels Fear To Tread by Kilby

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Christmas is a time for miracles, and for Joey it becomes a learning experience. She's visited by an Angel who has a lot to show her and teach her. He tries to prepare her for the challenges that lie ahead.

7.05 - Was ist und was sein wird by Nadia, Anna Lena, Mona

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Weihnachten steht vor der Tür. Dawson besucht seine Mutter und trifft sich mit Joey zum traditionellen Besuch auf dem Capesider Weihnachtsmarkt. Währenddessen versucht Andie in Deutschland ihre Beziehung zu Sasha zu retten. Außerdem werden Ashley und Justin eingeladen, das Weihnachtsfest bei Dawsons Familie zu verbringen, um alle näher kennenzulernen.

4:30 is too Early! by couplesdc

Rated: K+ (PG) • 0 Reviews
Summary: Joey rolled over, wrapping her arm over his stomach and resting her hand on his chest. She sighed, content, and felt him hold her tight.