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The Best Man by Kilby

Summary: This takes place after the episode "Northern Lights." Pacey has a moment of reflection and an unlikely conversation.
Pacey Witter's latest novel is completely autobiographical, but there are still lots of unanswered questions. When Pacey goes to Chicago for Dawson and Andie's weekend wedding, the book floats from person to person, creating waves of tension between friends.
Rating: T (PG-13) [Reviews - 0]
Category: Romance > Joey/Pacey, Romance > Other Couples
Characters: Andie McPhee, Dawson Leery, Jack McPhee, Jen Lindley, Joey Potter, Pacey Witter
Language: English
Tags: Friendship, Romance
Challenge: None
Series: None
Published: 19-08-17 | Updated: 19-08-17 | Completed: Yes | Chapters: 7 | Words: 22140 | Hits: 131679

Story Notes: Author's Note: I started writing this one after I saw The Best Man. While many of the events are inspired from the movie, neither is a spoiler for the either. If you've seen the movie, the fan fic will still surprise, and if you haven't seen the movie, you can still read the fan fic and watch the movie. I gave it my own unique twist.

Feedback: This is the first time I've ever posted all the chapters at once, so please still send me feedback, even though you won't be awaiting the conclusion of the story.

1. Chapter 1 by Kilby [Reviews - 0] (2872 words)

2. Chapter 2 by Kilby [Reviews - 0] (2468 words)

3. Chapter 3 by Kilby [Reviews - 0] (2968 words)

4. Chapter 4 by Kilby [Reviews - 0] (2968 words)

5. Chapter 5 by Kilby [Reviews - 0] (3385 words)

6. Chapter 6 by Kilby [Reviews - 0] (4333 words)

7. Chapter 7 by Kilby [Reviews - 0] (3146 words)