Rated: K+ (PG) • 0Reviews Summary: Jack versucht heimlich herauszufinden, auf welche Colleges Jen gerne nach der Highschool gehen würde und stolpert dabei über ihr Tagebuch.
We are the home of 60 authors from among our 98 members. There have been 28 reviews written about our 147 stories consisting of 368 chapters and 1284155 words. A special welcome to our newest member, Paupi121.
Tadighe 11/17/21 04:40 pm I have just discovered this site. Thanks for the welcome. Any idea which fics I should start reading guys ? Nadia 08/05/18 11:54 pm Glad you enjoy it! Hope to see you around. :) Jen 07/13/18 12:12 am Just found this. So excited to discover DC fanfic!!! Nadia 06/02/16 11:57 am Welcome aboard, Cinty! Nadia 05/29/16 09:29 pm Welcome, Kris! :) Nadia 05/18/16 10:32 pm Hi Creekers, how are you?