Jack McPhee
Rated: K+ (PG) •
0 Reviews
Summary: Im Finale der 7. Staffel wird es besonders romantisch. Aus den Teenagern von einst sind erwachsene Leute geworden. Endlich ist der große Tag gekommen, an dem sich nicht nur Joey und Pacey das ersehnte Jawort geben, sondern auch Jack und Doug, um endlich eine richtige Familie zu werden.
Categories: Romance >
Slash >
General & Friendship >
Characters: Andie McPhee,
Bessie Potter,
Dawson Leery,
Doug Witter,
Jack McPhee,
Joey Potter,
Original Character(s),
Pacey Witter
Language: DeutschTags: Bromance,
Virtual Episode
Series: The Creek - Virtuelle Staffel 7
Published: 05-03-19 |
Updated: 05-03-19 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 2 |
Words: 10866 |
Hits: 25616
Rated: M (R-16) •
0 Reviews
Summary: It's Christmas 2008 and Jack is reminiscing with an old friend about a Christmas six years ago ...
Categories: Slash >
Characters: Doug Witter,
Jack McPhee
Language: EnglishTags: Slash,
Series: None
Published: 10-12-18 |
Updated: 10-12-18 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 3 |
Words: 4537 |
Hits: 80017
Rated: T (PG-13) •
0 Reviews
Summary: In the Big Apple, Joey is planning something special for Dawson helped by Sam and Ethan, and she can’t help but feel frustrated when her boyfriend is stuck on the other side of the country. Pacey, who is back in Capeside, realizes that coming home is not exactly what he expected. Meanwhile, Jack is just working and continuing with his normal life, that includes as much of Amy as possible.
Rated: K+ (PG) •
0 Reviews
Summary: Jack decides to go to New York to search for legal advice about Amy, but he will have to face some disturbing news. Dawson and Joey’s relationship keeps going stronger despite the return of someone from the past, while Ethan and Samantha meet their first bump when Samantha finds out about Ethan’s past. Back in New Orleans, Pacey decides is time to look for new chances in another place.
Rated: T (PG-13) •
0 Reviews
Summary: Der große Tag rückt näher und schließlich steht der Junggesellenabschied an. Allerdings läuft nicht alles nach Plan und Joey kommt einem bislang gut gehüteten Familiengeheimnis des Witter-Clans auf die Spur.
Categories: Romance >
Slash >
Characters: Andie McPhee,
Bessie Potter,
Dawson Leery,
Doug Witter,
Gale Leery,
Gretchen Witter,
Jack McPhee,
Joey Potter,
Mrs. Witter,
Original Character(s),
Pacey Witter
Language: DeutschTags: Family,
Virtual Episode
Series: The Creek - Virtuelle Staffel 7
Published: 20-08-17 |
Updated: 20-08-17 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 1 |
Words: 6849 |
Hits: 13269
Rated: T (PG-13) •
0 Reviews
Summary: This takes place after the episode "Northern Lights." Pacey has a moment of reflection and an unlikely conversation.
Pacey Witter's latest novel is completely autobiographical, but there are still lots of unanswered questions. When Pacey goes to Chicago for Dawson and Andie's weekend wedding, the book floats from person to person, creating waves of tension between friends.
Categories: Romance >
Romance >
Other Couples
Characters: Andie McPhee,
Dawson Leery,
Jack McPhee,
Jen Lindley,
Joey Potter,
Pacey Witter
Language: EnglishTags: Friendship,
Series: None
Published: 19-08-17 |
Updated: 19-08-17 |
Completed: Yes |
Chapters: 7 |
Words: 22140 |
Hits: 138042